Music for 18 musicians

sam. 5 mar

Music for 18 musicians

sam. 5 mar


Steve Reich

Music for 18 Musicians

60 min


Ensemble Links
Compagnie MAD /Sylvain Groud

Join us for this collective musical and dance experience, led by the musicians of the Links ensemble and the dancers of the Mad/Sylvain Groud company. Eighteen musicians will be on stage to perform Steve Reich’s emblematic monument of American minimalist music, Music for 18 Musicians – known simply by fans as “18”. One of Reich’s most ambitious works, it consists of a cycle of eleven chords repeated endlessly, imperceptibly shifting: the listener is caught up in an obsessive and constantly changing flow. Hypnotic and fascinating. An audience of 2000, of all ages, swept up in an extraordinary trance, guided by amateur dancers who have been “prepared”. For those who would like to be “guides”, three preparatory sessions will take place in the months preceding the concert, open to all levels and all age groups (8+).

Dans le cadre de la Biennale Musiques en Scène.

Renseignements : Grame, cncm – Biennale Musiques en Scène04 72 07 43 12

En complicité avec la Maison de la Danse.