Ils nous soutiennent Des particuliers, des entreprises et des fondations s’engagent aux côtés de l’Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon en faisant un don à la Fondation philharmonique.
The orchestra’s key dates 1905 : SOCIÉTÉ DES GRANDS CONCERTS DE LYON Following the success of a choral society, a Schola Cantorum founded with Charles Bordes in 1903 along similar lines to its sister establishment in Paris, Georges Martin Witkowski founds in 1905 the Société des Grands Concerts de Lyon, ancestor of the Orchestre national de Lyon.
The orchestra’s key dates 1938 : ASSOCIATION PHILHARMONIQUE In 1938, Georges Martin Witkowski led a merger with the Trigentuor, an ensemble of 30 musicians founded in 1925. The new orchestra called itself the Association philharmonique de Lyon.
The orchestra’s key dates 1969: OPRAL, THE FIRST PERMANENT ORCHESTRA In 1969, a permanent orchestra is set up in Lyon. The Société philharmonique serves as the nucleus of the new orchestra, named the Opral, for “Orchestre philharmonique Rhône-Alpes”.
The orchestra’s key dates 1971 : SERGE BAUDO AND THE ORCHESTRE DE LYON In 1971, Louis Frémaux left Lyon for the United Kingdom. Serge Baudo agreed to conduct the Opral.
The orchestra’s key dates 1984 : ORCHESTRE NATIONAL DE LYON In 1984, on its 15th anniversary, the orchestra was awarded the label of “national orchestra”, confirming its exclusive status as a symphony orchestra and recognising its excellence and its ambassadorial role in the Rhône-Alpes region, throughout France and abroad.