Saison 2024/2025
Les séances Relax
Support the Auditorium -
Orchestre national de Lyon
Browse all of the concerts in the 2024/2025 season
The ticket office of the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon is open Monday to Friday, 11.00-18.00
Got questions ?
Our ticket office is also there to help : by phone at 04 78 95 95 95, Monday to Friday, 11.00-17.00. and by email at onl.billetterie@mairie-lyon.fr
If you can’t visit the ticket office, there are other ways to book your tickets or subscription packages:
The doors to the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon and its food service area, La Fabuleuse Cantine, open:
You can take your seats in the concert hall 30 minutes before your show begins.
Note: concerts begin strictly on time. After that, numbered seats are no longer guaranteed and latecomers might not be admitted to the hall until a break in the concert or even until the interval.
A few days before your workshop, you will be informed by email of the arrangements at the Auditorium (access and times).
Romain Braize
Cultural Mediation Department
Administrative and Logistics Assistant
The Lyon Auditorium is situated in the third arrondissement at the foot of the Part-Dieu (Crédit Lyonnais) tower, between the Halles de Lyon and the Part-Dieu shopping centre.
Public entrance : 149, rue Garibaldi – Place Charles-de-Gaulle – Lyon 3e
Line 38 (direction Caluire): Part-Dieu-Servient stop
Line 38 (direction Gare Part-Dieu): Part-Dieu-Auditorium stop
C1, C2, C6, C7, line 70, line 25: Gare Part-Dieu-Vivier-Merle stop
C3: Halles Paul-Bocuse stops
C9 (direction Bellecour): Part-Dieu-Servient stop
C9 (direction Hôpitaux Est): Part-Dieu-Auditorium stop
C13 (direction Hôtel de Ville): Part-Dieu-Servient stop
C13 (direction Grange-Blanche): Halles Paul-Bocuse stop
C25 (direction Saint-Priest): Part-Dieu-Servient stop
C25 (direction Gare Part-Dieu): Part-Dieu-Auditorium stop
After the concerts, TCL screens in the concert hall lobby display real-time information for the public transport lines that service the Auditorium.
Calculate your itinerary on tcl.fr
Don’t forget the train: the Lyon-Part-Dieu train station is only a 10-minute walk from the Auditorium.
Where to park your bike
Self-serve bike rentals
You can rent a bike in all Vélo’v stations in Lyon. There are numerous Vélo’v bike stations near the Auditorium: Servient-Garibaldi, Part-Dieu-Garibaldi, Les Halles, Bourse du Travail.
The AO offers a simple ride-sharing service to put you in contact with others and make it easier for you to come to the concert. Find out more
Bonnel-Servient (44-49, rue de Bonnel)
See the number of spaces available in real time
Les Halles Paul-Bocuse (156, rue Garibaldi)
See the number of spaces available in real time
Garibaldi-Bonnel, car park in the shopping centre (entrance: rue de Bonnel). Open Monday to Saturday, 7am - 11pm. Take the Porte de la Lanterne pedestrian exit (on level 1) to reach the Auditorium.
You can use the disabled parking spaces in the Les Halles and Bonnel-Servient car parks. Vehicles may also stop to drop off disabled passengers on Place Charles-de-Gaulle (but parking is not permitted there).
The future urban redevelopment work in the Part-Dieu district will place the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon at the centre of a vast project designed to make the city more open, more connected and more accessible. > Learn more about the Lyon Part-Dieu project
The major redevelopment work in progress is altering the road system and the various means of access to the Auditorium. For real-time information about how to reach the Auditorium, visit the onlymoov.com website.
The Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon is mindful of the needs of patrons with disabilities and offers specific seating and tailored prices.
Vehicles may stop to drop off disabled passengers on Place Charles-de-Gaulle. Parking is not permitted on Place Charles-de-Gaulle for safety reasons, so we would encourage you to use the disabled parking spaces in the Les Halles and Bonne-Servient car parks.
A lift in the lobby services the first and second balconies.
On the first balcony, specific seats have been reserved for patrons in wheelchairs and their assisting companion (please mention this requirement when purchasing your ticket).
The team of ushers is available to assist if necessary.
Specific seating may be offered to sight-impaired concertgoers. Please mention this requirement to the ticket office when making your booking.
Note: Guide dogs are admitted into the concert hall. Please also mention this requirement when you book your seat.
Saison 2024/2025
Les séances Relax
Une réduction de 50 % sur le tarif plein est proposée sur l’ensemble des concerts de la saison (sauf Midis L’AO et Afterworks) aux bénéficiaires de l’AAH ou de l’ASI (sur présentation d’un avis de paiement de moins de 3 mois), ainsi qu’aux titulaires de la carte mobilité inclusion mention invalidité (et à leurs accompagnateurs si mention «Besoin d’accompagnement»).
Ticket office
04 78 95 95 95
Before or after the show, or during the intermission, share your impressions over drinks, platters of sweet or savoury meals. Come and enjoy a 250 m2 area in the Atrium and discover an ethical and creative food cooked by the Fabuleuse Cantine.
La Fabuleuse Cantine has pledged to buy any unsold food items (organic and integrated farming) and process them into creative cuisine, restoring their social, environmental and economic value.
Opening time : La Fabuleuse Cantine opens 1h15 before each concert, 1h after, and 1h before the morning concerts. Find out more
The Auditorium provides a supervised, complimentary and mandatory cloakroom facility for bulky items (small suitcases, pushchairs, helmets, large umbrellas, etc.). Suitcases and bags larger than "cabin bag" size (55 x 25 x 35cm) are not permitted inside the building.
Browse our FAQ section.
We have listed the most frequently-asked questions below.
The Part-Dieu district is currently undergoing major work and the various construction projects in progress can result in considerable changes to the road system. We would advise you to make allowance for these traffic problems in your journey time and use public transport whenever possible. Take a look at our "Getting to the Auditorium" page.
For safety reasons, only vehicles transporting disabled people are permitted to drop off their passengers there. Parking is not permitted on the Place Charles-de-Gaulle.
The doors to the Auditorium and to our food service area open:
Most of the evening concerts are preceded by a pre-concert talk that starts an hour before the concert begins.
You can take your seats in the concert hall 30 minutes before your show begins.
Concerts begin strictly on time. If you’re late, you’ll be met by our team of ushers, who will let you enter the hall during a break in the programme to avoid disturbing the other concertgoers or the artists. In some cases, you may not be able to go to your seat until the interval. Note: in the event of a late arrival, numbered seats are no longer guaranteed.
Yes, a supervised cloakroom is available free of charge.
For safety reasons, bulky items must be left at the cloakroom. Suitcases and bags larger than “cabin bag” size (55 x 25 x 35cm) are not permitted inside the building.
The lift services only the first and second balconies. It is reserved primarily for disabled patrons.
Out of consideration for the artists and other concertgoers, patrons are not permitted to take photos or make videos during performances. Photos and videos are tolerated before the concert begins and after it finishes.
To guarantee optimal listening quality, children under the age of three are not permitted in the concert hall. We offer specific concerts suitable for young children from the age of three up, and an early childhood day for infants aged three months to three years.
La musique est avant tout un monde d'émotions et de sensations accessibles à tous, sans aucun prérequis. Si vous souhaitez être accompagnés dans l'écoute des œuvres au programme de votre concert, des notes de programme et podcasts sont disponibles en ligne quelques jours avant, pour la majorité des concerts.
You can use your gift card :
You can exchange your tickets up to 24 hours before the concert. This service is billed €3 per ticket; it is free for subscribers. Present the tickets to the Auditorium’s ticket office and they will be exchanged for tickets of equivalent value, subject to availability. E-tickets can be exchanged by phone.
You can contact our security control room, which receives all of the objects found.
You can contact it by phone on 04 78 95 95 01 from Monday to Friday, 9.00-18.00.
For any other questions about your concert, please contact the ticket office :