Orchestre Démos Lyon Métropole - 2ème édition
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Orchestre national de Lyon
The Orchestre Démos Lyon Métropole, which has been deployed since 2017 by the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon across the Lyon Metropolitan Area, is off to a fresh start. Following the successful first edition, the project has been renewed and expanded: it now consists of two orchestras and involves 160 children from the metropolitan area.
Démos is a socially-oriented musical and orchestral outreach programme initiated and coordinated over the past 10 years by the Cité de la musique-Philharmonie de Paris. It is designed for children between the ages of 7 and 12, living in the municipalities of Bron, Décines-Charpieu, Givors, Lyon, Saint-Genis-Laval, Villeurbanne and Vaulx-en-Velin, and who have never learnt to play music.
The Démos teaching method is underpinned by a multifaceted approach to music. The underlying principles are singing, dancing and speaking. Each child in the Orchestre Démos Lyon Métropole is lent an instrument of his/her choice, free of charge. The children rehearse in small groups for three and a half hours a week, mainly outside school hours, in the social organisation they usually attend. All of the children in the orchestra come together every six weeks to work with the orchestra’s conductor. At the end of each year, the children in the Orchestre Démos give a free concert in the Lyon Auditorium, which their families and all of the partners are welcome to attend. At the end of the three-year cycle, the children perform on the prestigious stage of the Philharmonie de Paris concert hall.
By underscoring the key role that music can and must play in society, Démos addresses a range of issues, including regional development, social integration, artistic education and access to culture. In this project, music is an effective educational tool that proposes to attain excellence and acquire demanding standards from an individual viewpoint, but also in a collective sense. The orchestra enables the project’s supervisors, whether they are musicians or social workers, to work with the children over extended periods of time and to develop their concentration, ability to listen, and respect for others. At the end of the project’s three-year initial phase, 60% of the children continue to learn music in the music school or the conservatory in their home district.
Following the successful first edition, the project’s stakeholders and partners were keen to continue, and rolled out the scheme. The towns of Bron, Décines-Charpieu, Givors, Lyon and Vaulx-en-Velin are accordingly extending their involvement. The towns of Saint-Genis-Laval and Villeurbanne are, in turn, joining the scheme.
Accordingly, two new Démos orchestras are being set up! The Presto and Vivo orchestras, each comprised of five groups of children, began in October 2021.
Vivo orchestra: comprised of 80 children from the municipalities of Bron, Décines-Charpieu, Lyon 8th arrondissement and Vaulx-en-Velin
Presto orchestra: comprised of 82 children from the municipalities of Givors, Lyon 3rd arrondissement, Saint-Genis-Laval and Villeurbanne
Orchestre Démos Lyon Métropole - 2ème édition
Orchestre Démos Lyon Métropole - First Edition
Préfecture du Rhône, Métropole de Lyon, Caisse d’allocations familiales du Rhône and the sponsors Groupe SEB and Fondation d’entreprise Solidarités by Crédit Agricole Centre-est.
Centre social Gérard-Philippe (Bron), École de musique La Glaneuse (Bron), Centre social l’Espace Berthaudière (Décines-Charpieu), Centres sociaux Camille Claudel-Jacques Prévert (Givors), Conservatoire de musique de Givors, Centre social Bonnefoi and MPT des Rancy (Lyon 3ème), Centre social des Etats-Unis (Lyon 8ème), CRR de Lyon (Lyon 5ème), MixCube (Saint-Genis-Laval), Centre social Grand Vire (Vaulx-en-Velin), Centre social et culturel Jean et Joséphine Peyri (Vaulx-en-Velin), École des arts de Vaulx-en-Velin, Centre social Saint-Jean (Villeurbanne), Centre social des Buers (Villeurbanne), École nationale de musique de Villeurbanne.
Ministère de la Culture, ministère de la Cohésion des territoires et des relations avec les collectivités territoriales, ministère de l’Éducation nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, ministère des Outre-mer and the caisses d’allocations familiales, collectivités territoriales.
The project is also funded by many sponsors and supported by Lilian Thuram and his Fondation Éducation contre le racisme and by the pianist Khatia Buniatishvili.
Twenty years of cultural initiatives
Musical creation workshops
Sound Workshops
Partnership with the leisure activities organised before and after school
Community initiatives